February 21, 2017

Prora, Here We Are!


Sun - beach - games - and loads of fun! This all was our 2nd European Street Soccer Championship 2016 in Prora! Participants from 16 EU countries took part in street soccer tournaments - all under fair play rules.  

This year up to 350 young people from all over Europe can participate in the finals of our 3rd European Fair Play Soccer Championship 2017. We are looking forward to welcoming again guests from all parts of Europe. 

We invite and would like to welcome fair play minded players, trainers as well as guests from near and far. We wish as much as possible of you will be involved in this successful fair play football tournament at the Baltic Sea again.

See you soon in Prora!

Send Us Your PICS!


In 2015 sport organization OESK from Kosovo won 1st place in our EU Fair Play Street Soccer Championship. 

To raise awareness and inform the public about their difficult financial situation, they have shared with us their photos from the 1st championship.

Do you also have some of your own pics? Send them and we will be happy to share them on our social media channels and EU Street Soccer web page.  

February 20, 2017

How To Become A Fair Play Sponsor?

Not Our Sponsor Yet? 

But You Should Become One! 

Join our Fundraising Campaign Support Kosovo and Contact US to share your pics & logo here: 
Not enough? Well, we also got some INSTA place for you here: 
We are not finished yet! Of course you will be presented also right over here: 


Join Our Sponsors

What do we offer you?

This is how our concept works: You make a donation for Sport organization OESK from Kosovo - and we offer you a broad range of sponsoring on our media - FB page  Fair Play for ALL, Instagram EU Street Soccer and our EU Street Soccer page

We are following a two sided Donation - Sposoring Concept:
  • We offer  fundraising support to OESK in Kosovo to cover their travel expenses 
  • We are promoting and raising awareness on EU FAIR PLAY SOCCER

Our Sponsoring Concept

  • Image & Logo Promotion on our Facebook Page FAIR PLAY FOR ALL
  • Logo promotion on our EU Street Soccer Web Page
  • Instagram promotion on FAIR PLAY FOR ALL profile
  • Public THANK YOU on our social media – FB, Instagram, Web pag
All donations will go 100 % to OESK for covering their travel costs.

Why Your € Matters?

OESK is a sport organization that has been active in 15 different sport fields in the last 5 years. 

In the year 2015 they have participated in 1st EU FAIRPLAY STREET SOCCER Championship and won the 1st place. This year they have found them selves in a difficult situation and are facing serious financial problems.

We have decided to support them and started a fundraising and sponsoring campaign 
Support Kosovo

February 17, 2017

All About FAIR PLAY Rules


Rule 1 – The field of Play

Matches will be played in Soccer-Courts whose dimensions are adapted to the local circumstances. A center line divides the court into two halves. It must not be taped.
A penalty mark is located 1 m from the midpoint between the goalposts and equidistant to them. Also this must not be taped.
A green table is located next to the court.

Rule 2 – The Ball

Matches will be played with a Futsal ball of the size 4 which is provided by the tournament management.

Rule 3 – The Number of Players

At the beginning of a tournament every team must have announced three or four players.
A match is played by two teams, each consisting of three players. 

A team is only entitled to play with at least two players. If a team competes in the tournament only with two players, the opposing team can reduce. Should the opposing team not be reduced, they receive a deduction of one Fair Play point.

A substitute may enter the court during the running match as soon as a player of his team has left it. It may be changed as often as a team likes. 
If a substitute does interfere with play before one of his teammates has left the court, the team receives a deduction of one Fair Play point and the opponent gets a free kick. If a goal was prevented by this majority, the team receives a deduction of two Fair Play points and the opponent gets a penalty.

Rule 4 – The Players’ Equipment

A player may carry no clothes or pieces of equipment which show a danger for him or other players.

Rule 5 – The Teamer (observer)

Every match is supervised by a Teamer (observer). He has the unrestricted competence to get the rules of the game and the rules of Fair Play validity. He provides the ball and decides on the equipment of the players. In addition, he supervises the duration of the match and he is authorized to suspend or abandon the match. His decisions are final.

Rule 6 – The Fair Play Ambassador

The Fair Play ambassadors support the Teamer. They make notes of the match. In addition they control the behavior of the fans.
After every match they first take consultation with the Teamer and then evaluate together with the teams the match at the green table.

Rule 7 – The duration of the match

The playtime is announced by the tournament management before beginning. The Teamer can extend the playtime of a running match at his discretion.
If the final whistle of the Teamer sounds, the match is finished immediately.
Immediately after the end of the match all players meet for shake hands.

Rule 8 – The start of a game

A match starts when the Teamer or another of him named person throw the ball into the court, after all players have done shake hands. Before throw-in all players have to be in their own half.

Rule 9 – The ball in and out of play

The ball is out of play if the ball has crossed the Soccer-Court above the Court net, a goal has been scored or the Teamer has interrupted the match. At all other times the ball is in the play. There is no height limitation.

Rule 10 – The method of scoring

A goal is scored valid if the ball has crossed the line between both goalposts below the crossbar completely. Additionally the ball has to be touched in the half of the court in which the goal is standing. Scores a team, the opposing team continues the match at their own goal. Therefor the ball must be stationary.

Rule 11 – Rules of Fair Play

Every team has 6 Fair Play points at the beginning of each match.

Handling the ball is forbidden. Handling the ball involves a deliberate act of a player making contact with the ball with his hand or arm. There is to consider a movement of the hand towards the ball, the distance between the hand and the ball and the position of the hand. 
If a player declares handling the ball, the team receives a deduction of one Fair Play point and the opposing team gets a free kick. If a player does not declares handling the ball, the Teamer interrupts the match, the team receives a deduction of two Fair Play points and the opposing team gets a free kick or a penalty kick if a goal was prevented.

If a goal was prevented by handling the ball, the team receives a deduction of two Fair Play points and the opponent team gets a penalty. 

A free kick is awarded to the opposing team if a player commits any of the following offences:

– Kicks or attempts to kick an opponent,
– trips an opponent,
– Jumps at an opponent,
– pushes an opponent against the boards,
– banned charges an opponent,
– pushes an opponent,
– Strikes or attempts to strike an opponent
– Or tries to slide tackles the ball which the opponent controls.

If a goal was prevented by such an offence, the opponent team gets a penalty kick.

In each case the team of the misbehavior of the player receives a deduction of one Fair Play point if he declares it. Otherwise the team receives a deduction of two Fair Play points. If a player is reckless or uses excessive force his team receives a deduction of two Fair Play points.
A permitted act of charging is a challenge for space using physical contact within playing distance of the ball without using arms.

Playing in a dangerous manner is defined as any action that, while trying to play the ball, threatens injury to someone including the player himself. It is committed with an opponent nearby and prevents the opponent from playing the ball for fear of injury. It will be penalized with a free kick for the opposing team. The team receives a deduction of one Fair Play point if he declares it. Otherwise the team receives a deduction of two Fair Play points. If a goal is prevented by such an offence, the opponent team gets a penalty kick.

In unfair or misconduct behavior the Teamer decides in vote with the Fair Play ambassadors about the deduction of the Fair Play points. It is to make a complaint, to intimidate, to offend, to kick the ball away, to boot or hit against the boards, to assign fault to the own or opposing team and to forget the shake hands.
Especially fair behavior can be paid with an additional point. The Fair Play score can reach up to 7.

As soon as a team has no Fair Play points in a running match, the match will abandoned by the Teamer. The opposing team wins the match according to the current score if it is up, but at least 3:0. A team is disqualified by the tournament if they finish two matches with zero Fair Play points.

Tournament manipulation implicates the exclusion of the tournament.

The fairest teams are announced at the end of the tournament. Therefor the average of their Fair Play points of every team which has taken part in the tournament of the running tour will be calculated. If there is a standoff in Fair Play points the team who was sportingly most successfully wins.

Rule 12 – Free Kicks

The ball must be stationary when the kick is taken where the offence happened. All opponents must establish a distance of three meters to the ball. If the Teamer has to establish the distance the team receives a deduction of one Fair Play point.

The player who conducts the free kick may play the ball only again after another player has touched this. If he touches the ball a second time, the free kick will be repeated.
A goal can be scored only if the ball touches another player before it enters the goal. The opposing team continues the match from its own goal. Therefor the ball must be stationary.
If a free kick is kicked withou

t touching another player into the teams own goal, the opposing team continues the match from their own goal. Therefor the ball must be stationary.

Rule 13 – The Penalty Kick

For a penalty kick the ball must be placed on the penalty mark. The ball must be kicked directly to the opposing goal. All players must stay in their own half.

If a penalty kick was kicked into the goal, the goal counts. The opposing team continues the match from its own goal. Therefor the ball must be stationary. 
If the ball was not kicked into the goal but hits a Soccer-Court limitation the match starts immediately. 
If a player of the opposing team touches the ball or manipulates the player who kicks the penalty before the ball hits a Soccer-Court limitation the kick scores. The team receives a deduction of one Fair Play point.

Rule 14 – The Throw-In

If the ball has crossed the Soccer-Court above the Court net, the match starts with a throw-in of any person.

Rule 15 – Procedures to determine the winner of a match

If a winner must be determined according to the regular playtime, it occurs with the Golden Goal - rule. In an extra time announced by the Teamer before, the match is decided by a goal achieved in the extra time immediately. 
If no winner could be determined in the extra time, shots of the penalty mark will decide the match. The teams nominate three players and agree on it at which goal is shot and who will begin. Both teams conduct their shots alternately, until all three nominated players have shot. 
As soon as a team has achieved more goals than the other team could still achieve with their shots being entitled, the shooting is finished. 
If both teams have achieved none or the same count of goals after three shots, the shooting is continued in the same sequence until a team has achieved one goal more after both teams shot the same count.

Rule 16 – Rules for the Fans

Trainers, responsible persons and spectators have to show a fair behavior. If unfair behavior repeats like negative influencing control on own or opposing team, to animate to foul, to complain, to apportioning of blame, insults and vandalism can be avenged with tournament exclusion.
Especially fair fans can be awarded at the award ceremony.

February 14, 2017

Applications - OPEN CALL 2017



Wednesday 19.07.2017 - Sunday 23.07.2017

Up to 350 young people from all over Europe can participate in the finals of the 3rd European Fair Play Soccer Championship 2017. We are looking forward to welcoming again guests from all parts of Europe.
The European Championship in street soccer at the Baltic Sea is an important initiative focusing on fair play, equal opportunities and diversity. Fair Play is not just an intrinsic attitude but also a willingness and strong message directed at the public. To become acquainted with this philosophy through sports as a young person and to live it as an adult is an important mission in our society that we all should support. We can only expect from life what we are willing to give back ourselves.

Sport brings people together. When young people train as a group, work alongside each other to ensure the success of their team, or celebrate wins and overcome defeats together, then they also develop a sense of community. Boys and girls from different cultural backgrounds experience how important mutual consideration and understanding for the point of view of others are if shared goals are to be achieved. 
They thus become aware whilst playing and having fun that diversity, integration and inclusion also enhance everyday life.
This is what we especially expect from this event: That this “competition” promotes fair play and diversity in Europe.

Street soccer is an ideal way to achieve this. The talent of every single player, of every individual, counts and no-one is left on the sidelines. While teams from different nations will create excitement and entertainment on the pitch, various seminars and workshops will provide a lot of interesting things to do.

Each country participating brings in a male and a female team (exceptions must be justified – the organizers keep the right to refuse participation). Only 1 male and 1 female team per country is allowed participation.

A team consists of 3 players + 1 substitute. Each male and/or female team can be accompanied by a leader. Max. 10 people per country. 

We invite and would like to welcome fair play minded players, trainers as well as guests from near and far. We wish as much as possible of you will be involved in this successful fair play football tournament at the Baltic Sea again.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact us. 
Looking forward to your participation and see you soon!


6 women soccer players from Kosovo paid their plane tickets to attend 2nd EU Fair Play Championship in Prora. But their VISA was refused. Now they have to return the 2400 € to Ministry of Sport and are facing serious financial issues.  

To help OESK solve their financial situation, we have set a Go Get Funding platform 
SupportKosovo where you can show your support and donate to OESK. 

We see a high importance in supporting OESK in their current situation. As a sports organization, they have been active in 15 sports fields - from soccer to athletics – in the last 5 years.

Their women´s soccer team has just last year won 1st place in our EU FAIR PLAY STREET SOCCER CHAMPIONSHIP!

We call to all that support Fair Play to help OESK with DONATION until the 2400 € are reached.

Every € you will donate will be given to OESK and will help them cover the costs from Prora.  
Fell free to contact us for any additional information. 

SUPPORT KOSOVO - https://gogetfunding.com/supportkosovo/